2009 m. rugsėjo 29 d., antradienis

Online listening practice

Few days ago I did some listening practices online on a website http://martinmcmorrow.podomatic.com. It was the first time that I did listening practices online and i would like to share my opinion and retell about my success.
To begin with, the task was really difficult, more confusing that i expected. The rate of speaking was quite fast and in some places I had big difficulties in understanding what the speakers are saying. The thing i didn't like about the recordings was that in many of them there were some extraneous sounds, which compounded the task.
Secondly, I would like to evaluate my performance. As I mentioned before, the rate of speaking was fast and sometimes hardly understandable so i had to listen to the recording again and again. In overall, i listened to the recording 5 times. In my opinion it is quite much. If to evaluate my ability to understand authentic speech, it is hardly satisfactory. To say the truth, I have big doubts about passing my exam paper.
In conclusion, listening practices helped me to understand that i must improve my listening skills. I promised myself to do to more online practices and i hope it would be possible to do some listening practice in class.